We provide services from designing, engineering, assembling, fabrication, installation, testing and commissioningwith best quality after-sales services for ammonia based water chillers for Dairy, Pharma and Beverage Industries, GlycolChillers for Dairies, Breweries and Pharma Industries, Brine Chilling Plants for Breweries, Pharma, Chemical and alliedIndustries using Reciprocating as well as Screw Compressors, Shell and Tube, Shell and Plate as well as Plate and FramePHE Chillers and Shell & Tube, Atmospheric, PHE as well as Evaporative Condensers with in-house manufacturing capabilityfor Atmospheric condensers, Shell and Tube Evaporators as well as Condensers.We will also be able to extend all above services for ammonia based large cold stores for storage of Milk & Milk productsand blast