Ability to quickly understand learn tools and products, comfortable with a rapidly changing environment.
Possess a technical aptitude towards the Internet and new technologies.
Strong independent problem-solving skills including verbal and non-verbal reasoning.
Solid English language skills suitable for international communication.
Excellent attention to detail.
Apply knowledge and experience to the assigned task and comply with the provided guideline for the task.
Ensure the quality of the work meets the expected standards.
Support the engineering team however required.
Adhere to the team s integrity policies and comply with the team s processes.
Participate in Daily scrum and team / project related meetings.
Understand the exact meaning of web search queries and differentiate the meaning of two queries.
Understand the intent of a query and classify it as belonging to a segment as per the guideline provided.
Identify the key words and phrases within a query that signal the intent of the query and annotate / label them as per the guidelines provided.
Identify the entities mentioned by name and / or by reference within a query and annotate / label them as per the guidelines provided.
Apply contextual knowledge, web research and online translation tools to disambiguate cases as per segment-specific, language-specific and market-specific judgment guidelines.