Backup and Recovery systems, Disaster Recovery Plan design
Automation and application deployment (Both Windows and Linux)
Backup and Recovery:
Implement, maintain, and troubleshoot a variety of enterprise backup systems
Produce and maintain written documentation of the backup environment
Assist in the development and maintenance of the business continuity and Disaster Recovery plans
Automation and deployment specialist:
Deploy, deploy and maintain standard Windows endpoint and Linux VM configurations.
Keep system configurations secure, by monitoring availability of Windows system and application updates, deploying these updates to endpoints and auditing them for compliance.
Manage and monitor all the systems related infrastructure
Maintain security, backup and redundancy strategies
Communicate effectively with L1 and L2 IT support staff to ensure smooth operations in production
Supervise Active Directory when needed
Maintain and implement GPO policies according to regional and global policies
Maintain and improve existing deployment servers and windows update services
Conform to and enforce company IT security policies
Train and mentor the other IT team members
Document every project and task during and after completion