We are looking for passionate web developers that have experience in eCommerce and are eager to learn new technologies while working on fast-paced eCommerce development projects. As eCommerce Web Developer, you will be responsible for front- end web development for eCommerce implementations.
- eCommerce Development. You will work on the technical team and focus primarily on eCommerce development for NetSuite s SuiteCommerce Advanced platform. This role will also involve customizations and setup within NetSuite to support the eCommerce implementation.
- JavaScript Development. We also do a lot of customization work to NetSuite which involves writing JavaScript around NetSuite s SuiteScript API, which is a JavaScript- based platform for customizing and extending NetSuite.
Skills Requirements
- A minimum of three year NetSuite experience.
- Advanced experience using: HTML5, JavaScript, Underscore.js, Require.js, Backbone.js, JQuery, CSS, Sass, SQL, Git
- Ability to work independently and collaboratively
- A passion for front-end architecture as well as driven attitude towards learning new web technologies
- NetSuite SuiteScript and SuiteCommerce
- Node.js
- Gulp
- Handlebars