UG :- - Not Required
PG :- - Not Required
No of position :- ( 1 )
Post :- 19th Dec 2022
- Client development experience with HTML, DHTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Experience with other JavaScritpt frameworks such as Express, Restify, Hapi, Sails, JOI, and Kinex.
- Javascript experience with ECMAScript2015 (ES6), ECMAScript2016 (ES7) or Bable compiler.
- Operating System and Infrastructure experience with Linux, Windows 7, Unix, Solaris, JMS, OOD, CVS.
- Experience with VersionOne Application Lifecycle Management Tools Experience with Jenkins and Continuous Integration.
- Standards Protocols knowledge including XML, XSLT, WSDL, JSON.
- Experience with Testing Tools including Mocha, Chai, Sinon, Supertest, Enzyme, Instanbul, Selenium, Load Runner, JSLint and Cucumber.
- Experience with source code versioning and Pull Requests with Git and Stash.
- Experience with IDEs such as Sublime and Atom.
- Knowledge of SonarCube, Phabricator, Gerritt, Karma, Jasmine
- Knowledge of projects using SAFe methodology.
- Experience with DevOps processes and implementation.
- Experience with environments utilizing Cloud Technologies such as Amazon Web Services.
- Experience with NGiNX web server.
- Experience with MQLight, Redis In-memory data structure store and message broker.