Required Skills

Construction equipment Cost reduction Design management Material selection microsoft Performance improvement

Work Authorization

  • Citizen

Preferred Employment

  • Full Time

Employment Type

  • Direct Hire

education qualification

  • UG :- - Not Required

  • PG :- - Not Required

Other Information

  • No of position :- ( 1 )

  • Post :- 20th Dec 2022


 Experience in Construction/Concrete Equipment will be an added advantage.
Requisite: Proficiency in computer-based tools like NX Nastran, Solid Edge, Teamcenter, Microsoft ERP.

Good knowledge of Standards pertaining to material and design processes.
Opportunities for you: The Job offers you endless opportunities to learn, experiment and master your abilities to Design Develop world class Construction Equipment.

Our state-of-the-Art RD centre is equipped with Digital Prototyping where new machines are Virtually designed, simulated, and tested for functional performance, stress, dynamic response, and product life cycle, including fatigue analysis.

We have always been the pioneer in implementing path breaking Software technologies at par with the Worlds Best.

In addition to above, we also have a dedicated physical prototyping facility, well supported by a flexible and CNC controlled manufacturing setup.
Hence, we have been able to conceptualise and roll out New Machines at a much faster pace So be ready to challenge your limits!

 Roles and Responsibilities: Design and Development of Construction Equipment.
Create 3D models / manufacturing drawings and to ensure the quality of drawings.

Create BOM / ECN for design management.
Building Prototypes together with Senior Team Members.
The job will also require: Value Engineering of existing Products for performance improvement, ease of manufacturing and cost reduction.

Study research to keep up with the latest technological trends.
Perform design calculations for design verification.
Field visits for Design assessment and performance validation.
Material selection depending on the application, fix proper heat treatment process, GDTs.

Company Information