Required Skills

website be knowledge of computer strap web design maintaining javascript css3 web designer xhtml

Work Authorization

  • Citizen

Preferred Employment

  • Full Time

Employment Type

  • Direct Hire

education qualification

  • UG :- - Not Required

  • PG :- - Not Required

Other Information

  • No of position :- ( 1 )

  • Post :- 30th Aug 2022


Technical skill area: Web designers require strong graphic design skills. Their aim is to create Web pages that are clear and easy to navigate on personal computer screens and on the smaller screens of mobile devices with Internet access, such as smartphones. Web designers may have developed their design skills in graphic design for printed media, or they may design only for the Web. They must be proficient in using Web design software, such as 1. HTML5, XHTML, css3, JavaScript, J Queries, Bootstrap 2. Adobe Photoshop 3. Macromedia Dreamweaver 4. Flash 5. Coral Draw 6. HTML5, CSS#, Boot Strap


Will be responsible for: A web designer is the general contractor/team leader for the creation and management of websites. They are responsible for creating and maintaining Internet sites for organizations, corporations and individuals. Many people confuse webmasters with web designers. Webmasters are responsible for all technical aspects of a website, including performance issues such as speed of access, and for approving site content. Internet developers, web developers, or web designers are responsible for day-to-day site design and creation. A thorough knowledge of computer programming and management information systems is essential. Web designers should also have writing, design and copy editing skills. They should be comfortable working closely with clients and developing web sites that meet with client\'s requirements.

Company Information