US Citizen
Green Card
UG :- - Not Required
PG :- - Not Required
No of position :- ( 1 )
Post :- 7th Jun 2022
Senior-level full stack developer/architect to build a single-page responsive Case Management System. Successful development includes approximately 50% frontend and 50% backend. Frontend development skills using HTML, CSS, jQuery , js, ajax, bootstrap. Backend skills include work as needed to interface with the database to store and present data securely to the website using the different frameworks adapted by OSCA such as but not limited to, Spring modules and projects, Mybatis, and Apache projects.
Experience with PL/SQL preferred. The selected candidate will perform work on-site in Jefferson City, MO until receiving a successful evaluation of capabilities and performance (estimated 4 - 8 weeks on site.) After successful evaluation, the candidate may be allowed to work remotely within the USA.
If working remotely is approved, the individual may be required to return on-site if there are performance concerns or as indicated, e.g., on-site team meetings.