Us Citizen
Green Card
H1B Work Permit
UG :- - Not Required
PG :- - Not Required
No of position :- ( 1 )
Post :- 22nd Dec 2021
Experience with state management: Flux, Redux, NGRX, and related patterns.
Experience with packaging, bundling and library management tools
Experience with accessibility, usability and design systems.
Experience with microservices, CDNs, data caches and stores
Experience with Jenkins, CI/CD Pipeline, GIT and other DevOps principles
Knowledge of UI security issues and best practices to prevent vulnerabilities
Experience with D3 or similar data visualization packages
Detail oriented, cross-browser implementation aware and hands on performance optimizations.
Experience in UI middleware, ES6+, HTML5, CSS
Experience with endpoint protocols and security components (SFTP/FTP, File, OAuth2, OIDC, SSL, SSH, LDAP etc.)
Demonstrated experience with either Test Driven development or Behavior Driven development with a clear understanding of the tool stack. Expertise in unit test, building Integration, smoke and regression testing suite, code coverage process, and pipeline setup
Experience using a project management/ticketing tool such as JIRA
Experience building containerized applications using GitOps, K8s, Service Mesh, K8s operators