Us Citizen
Green Card
UG :- - Not Required
PG :- - Not Required
No of position :- ( 1 )
Post :- 21st Jan 2022
Hands on experience with: SAP APO Master Data, CI integration, APO DP, APO SNP, APO/BI infrastructure and data transfer, Procureto Pay ECC processes ? Knowledge of IBP a plus ? Experience working in a custom environment ? Knowledge of data modeling and database design a plus ? Knowledgewith Talend a plus ? Knowledge of Composite and databaseinformation and use aplus ? SQL knowledge a plus ? Performance tuning in both an APO/BI environment,including large volume data movement between systems. ? Demonstrated DP/ SNPconfiguration and technical skills including history data mapping, APO BIdesign, statistical models analysis and selection (best fit vs. specificmodels), Macro development, Proportion factors, Demand aggregation anddisaggregation, Final demand release to SNP, forecast consumption/reduction,SNP heuristic, SNP aggregate planning and hierarchy, SNP macro development.