US Citizen
Green Card
UG :- - Not Required
PG :- - Not Required
No of position :- ( 1 )
Post :- 16th May 2022
Core Skills: Java, Java Script, SQL, Angular, Spring Boot, RESTful, Microservices
> Presentation Layer: HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, Angular JS, Typescript
> Business Layer: Java 8/11(Must be good in Collections), Spring Boot(MVC, DI, Repository), RESTful(JAX-RS)
> Persistence Layer: No SQL DB (Cassandra or similar) SQL DB(Maria DB or Oracle or My SQL) Hibernate ORM, JPA
> Messaging Broker: Kafka or Active MQ
> Testing: Unit Testing using Junit, Mockito
> Integration Testing using Soapui/Selenium/Cucumber JMeter, BlazeMeter
> Version Control: Git/BitBucket
> Cloud Platform: Pivotal Cloud Foundry on Docker, Kubernetes
> Well aware of Eclipse/IntelliJ IDE, Micro-service architecture, Agile Development, Microservices
> Good to have knowledge about CI/CD(Jenkins) lifecycle, Test-driven development.
> Behavioral Skills: Strong communication skills and able to work effectively in a team environment.
> Must have strong knowledge of Object-oriented development, version control, release management, change management.