Us Citizen
Green Card
H1B Work Permit
UG :- - Not Required
PG :- - Not Required
No of position :- ( 1 )
Post :- 19th Jan 2022
8+ years of experience in developing applications/APIs using
HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, AngularJS, jQuery, ReactJS,
python,React-JSON-Schema, Node.JS, .NET core, GIT, Bootstrap,
SASS/LESS, JSON and RESTful Services.
• Delivered at least 4 engagement as a Sr Developer
• Design develop and test HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery and
React.JS that meets accessibility and web browser standards for website.
• Expertise in working with the Python, experience in working with data analytics
related development
• Experience in developing Micro services / API and different AWS services involved in the development of an AWS application such as EC2, S3, SAM
• Experience with React JS and developed real time applications using React JS
architecture- Redux for building UI and designed reusable components using
React JS.
• Extensive experience in Cross-browser HTML, CSS and JavaScript coding to
offer responsive website layouts to modern browsers and mobile devices.
• Experience in Grunt task runner to manage project and Bower package manager
to install libraries such as jQuery and Bootstrap
• Worked on responsive design and developed a single ISOMORPHIC responsive
website that could be served to desktop, Tablets using React.JS.
• Experience with Responsive Web Design (RWD) with involvement in several
web application development projects.
• Knowledge of Box Model, Document Object Model (DOM) and DOM
• Familiar with configuration and version control management using GIT, SVN.